Haters gonna hate

I have always dreamt of a world where there is no such thing as hate.
No wars, no weapons and definetely no catfights.
No insecurity.

And everyone you meet is pleasant as this. *INYODREAMS*

Oh, I'm watching the history of North Korea
Which reminds me of school
Which reminds me of 2012
Which reminds me of 2011

Goodbye 2011? It just seems weird to me to say goodbye to a year.
Which reminds me I'm gonna have to say goodbye to home,
which reminds me I'm gonna have to go back to school.
And no matter how much I miss some of the people there
It's gonna suck like the king of everything that sucks.

I am sorry to all you people out there who love everything about school.
It's just not me. Well it's not that I hate school. I just hate a few things.
Hey, people are entitled to their own opinion, right?

So yeah, hi 2012.